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Up Topic Public Area / Public Board / Building up Levels for New Players
- By Boanerges (Lieutenant / Council / Trident Captain) Date 2018-11-25 21:51 Edited 2018-11-26 12:08
I hear so many questions on 100 about building up license level, so I did some experimenting for the Combat, Light, and Heavy. Here is a fast way to get them built up.

-Do the Courier mission and get a Revenant.
-Do Beginner Combat Practice - concentrate on Oruns on this run and collect Orun Cores and scrap metal. I would try for about 20 or so Cores. If the mission tells you that you get no more bonuses for Orun, you can stop the mission and restart it again.
-Do mission Rogue Drones - it ask for some Orun Cores that you have already collected.
-Do mission More Orun Processors a couple times using the Cores you have collected.
-Do mission Beginner Combat Practice again - concentrate on Dentek this time and collect the Cores. I would try for about 20 Cores and some scrap metal.
-Do mission More Dentek Processors a couple times using the cores you have already collected.
-Do mission Intermediate Combat Practice concentrating on Artemis and collect the cores. You will need to collect at least 32 Cores. You should have enough scrap already, but can always sell the excess later if you want to collect some more.
-Do mission Alternate Avenue of Inquiry. It will take you to another station and ask for Artemis Cores.
-Do mission Artemis Core Sweep a couple times. It will ask for 15 cores and 20 scrap for each mission. Hint - you do not have to use Scrap Metal that you collect from Artemis on this mission, any scrap will be accepted.
-Do mission Aurum Potestas Est. It will ask you to carry findings to another station and then back.

I did all this with Rev and weapons that a FTP player can obtain. I used Hive Fast Cell (which a lot of players will give you) and Plasma Cannon HX (1/1/-/-/-). For Heavy you can use the Stingray Missile till reach Heavy 1 and then use Plasma Eliminator, Unless you can find a Hive Queen Gatling Cannon. Also a Ultra Charge Power Cell can be used if you can buy one from someone or from a Player Store.

At the end of this, depending on how many bots you kill with heavy weapons, you can have up to 4/3/3/1/0. You can go back and shoot Artemis with Heavy or Light to get that level higher when ever you want. I did all this in less than a couple hours, but time can vary depending on the drop rate of Cores from the bots.

Hint - - I cut my speed down to about 1/3 when near the bot area and used straft, either left or right, when Dentek and Artemis came at me. Keep them in your crosshairs and shoot and they won't hit you that much while you strafe.

When you get ready to build up the Mining Level, find someone to give or sell you some High Density Mining Beams. They will well pay for themselves in mining speed and are the best overall beam in game.

When you get ready to build up the Trading Level, get the largest cargo capacity ship you can and do the Trade/Procurement missions. Hint - the ones that ask for the largest amount of stuff and the longest trips (Bulk) pay the most and give the highest amount of experience for your levels. After doing some for a while, you may remember the locations of some of the items, as normally there will be one item they ask for a lot, and you can buy from a different station than the one they suggest. Also, buy a ship load at a time as you can use the extra to fill out a mission later without even having to travel.

If you need additional help, feel free to contact any of TGFT Officers or Members.
- By Galactica Actual (Trident & Goliath Captain) Date 2018-11-26 00:48
Very nice Boanerges!
- By Spry (Trident / Goliath Captain) Date 2018-11-26 18:20
This is great,thank you for putting this together!
- By Boanerges (Lieutenant / Council / Trident Captain) Date 2018-11-30 13:10
Another tip if you are Free Player or Lite Sub:

Get your levels up as much as you can and then either full sub for a month or ask about a "Friend Key" which gives a 2 week sub. After either of these your levels will go back to where they were, capped at all 4's, but any ships and equipment you bought can still be used. You may have to carry some of it to a Corvus station or Latos M-7 to equip, but you still can use it.

I have been playing around and have built up a few Free Alts and used Friend Key to get levels up a bit just so I can get some Moths at Corvus station. I am buying extras, even leaving a lot of them in Grey, so I can still have some available when the "key" runs out. You can get the Moth at Bractus D-9 at levels -/-/-/5/2 which a F2P can't achieve. I will use them over period of time to get the BHM (Behemoth Heavy Miner) which F2P can buy and use. You can also get a Centaur there at levels 1/-/2/2/- which can make getting some of the levels up easier and faster. The Fast Charge Cell is available there at levels 2/-/-/2/- but you will need to be prepared to install them on ships at Corvus Stations due to fact that normal stations won't let you equip till levels 4/-/-/4/-.

I have also found that the High Eff Mining beam will let you mine longer without heating up roids as much. I equip pair of HD beams and 1 HE beam on a Taur or BHM. You can buy them at Mining stations and equip them at Mining level 10 or buy them at any level and equip them at a station that don't sell them at most any level.

If there are other aspects of the game that you want to do, then look at the ships and equipment that you want to use and use Friend Key to rapidly get to those levels and buy up a bunch of the ships and equipment and set them up immediately. When your key ends, you can still use them. You won't be able to buy more without subbing as only able to use one Friend Key per Account, no per Character.
- By Dirk Riskar (Councilor) Date 2019-02-28 23:56
I would like to suggest doing not just the first one, but all of the courier missions. This will give the new player over 200k credits to repair or replace the Revenant while botting.

As of January 18th 2019, the Rev MKI has had it's turbo drain lowered to 48, making the Hive Fast Charge able to give this ship infi-turbo, which is handy when running from or chasing the bots.

For those starting out UIT:
Dau K-6 has solely Orun Collectors
Dau I-5 has solely DenTek Collectors
Azek N-7 has solely Artemis Collectors
- By Boanerges (Lieutenant / Council / Trident Captain) Date 2019-06-05 15:15 Edited 2019-06-05 22:22
Since the Queen Escorts are not aggressive at this time, you can do the Advanced Combat Mission and go after the Escorts. You will get XP for every kill, either Light or Heavy, and get Combat, Light, and Heavy when you kill the number of bots that is required for the Advanced Combat. I did the mission with a new character and ran Heavy from a low level 3 to max at 4 by doing 3 sectors of Escorts. Don't worry about trying to kill the Queen if you are not able. You can mark the sector and possibly return later with help to kill Queen. The Escorts don't respawn, or at least don't within about 4 hours. If you wish to continue with Escorts right away, go to a different system and locate the Queen by following the Collector bots when they leave the sector, usually around 8 min. If you fly out over 3,000 and come back in sloooooowly to about 1200 you can be in a good position to turbo out and follow Collectors when they leave.
- By Galactica Actual (Trident & Goliath Captain) Date 2019-06-05 15:36
I forgot about the advanced Combat Mission. I think even a vet could gain from it while queening.
To bad we cannot group while in adv Comb
- By Boanerges (Lieutenant / Council / Trident Captain) Date 2019-06-05 22:18
I think you can, but the rewards come after a lot more than either player would have individually. I tried this once while doing Advanced Combat mission with an alt to build it up. I changed and just let the alt do the mission and shoot the turrets at Arklans which got the Combat up fairly quickly and safely.
- By Barktooth (Councilor) Date 2019-06-06 04:00
It is as Boa says, you can, it just takes more kills before the bonus. I used to train peeps this way.
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