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Up Topic Public Area / Off-Topic / Blaqc rumor-mill
- - By dimmyr Date 2017-08-30 18:47
So, he's the right age, and last logon says 08/24.... Hmmm...
Parent - - By Mr.Iron Date 2017-09-28 12:00
Makes sense. A lot of old players saying even though it is a possibility that he might've just made a story up before. the rise in new players (even though not that huge) it is possible for him to just create a new account or make a new alt. And due to the secrecy Guild Software is supposed to uphold you would never know.

YT-1300 has told many people " Although possible that he could've died. There are many reasons to lie about this, a lot of people didn't necessarily like him so he ran off a while" <------ something like that(not exact words).

And if he truly was dying he would've gave some hint to whom he is cause he did have some friends and followers who are worried. What would you releasing your identity or face at the least do to you if you are dying unless that isn't the case.

I know its not right for me to say all these things if he possibly is dead. But he has had "issues" in the past to where he was leaving VO (back in 2015 I believe) then poof he's back.  that's why I think many players have a hard time believing that he's gone. And if he is messing around with us and is watching from the sidelines laughing or trying to escape this character he's made its fine, some couldn't care less. But lying about cancer and tumors is wrong.

Blaqk has helped many people yes but he has also walked over and lied to many others. And a lot of the older players believe he is playing another ruse which I myself believe.

Think about. when has he ever been truthful to us. when ever has he been "fair". that's why. at least me believe he is playing some trick on us. so ill just sit and wait for time to tell us all. If he is truly dead then he will never see him playing vo again (not a threat or anything).

And btw on 100 a player claimed to spot him running.

And speaking of new players Welcome Steel Miner, Sir Neil, SarahPanda, and others to VO
Parent - - By Spud Date 2017-09-29 05:03
An odd way to discuss this.  This of course is an MMO, a game were none of us truthfully knows each other unless we agree to meet in real life.  For a lot of people a place to pretend to be something they are not.  I am a bit of a social whacko, I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt and trust them initially until they go off and prove me wrong one time.  In that game world that happens a lot.  Oddly in the 7 months or so I interacted with blaq he did not ever do that to me, in fact I would say he more honest with me than most. 

I don't care what some fellow on 100 claimed, there are to many ways in our own guild to call that bullshit, I saw that same claim and know for a fact it was false. 

Game or not, I don't care what YT says, or for that matter what some newb alt of an old hand says, you would know very quickly if blaq were still playing, his drive to be king of B8 and "be the best VO player ever* his words he told me numerous times, would come through, he had an ego.

I find this an odd place for this discussion to happen, other than the fact YT told me there would not ever be an agreement with us if blaq was still in our guild, dead or alive.


I think this thread needs to die.
Parent - By Barktooth (Councilor) Date 2017-09-29 05:08
Blaqk has never been mean to me, he helped me out with pvp training before he was in TGFT. He spoke what I believe was sincerity when we pmed. He has done some crappy things to pilots, but I hold nothing against him. As for this rumor, I don't really care because who knows? I do hope he is in fact ok however.
Btw, he posted some youtube videos to his channel for another game after his last VO login.
Anyway, this is not really the place to discuss something like this. Best wishes.
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