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Up Topic Public Area / Plugins / How to use /Manu in dent building
- By Furious Phenix Date 2017-01-12 13:36
First of all,  select Trident type M from the manu list and set the value in the top left to "1".
Next you need to iliminate bractus as a build site for Reinforced Bulkheads. (they take more parts to build here and mess up the quantities u need)
To do this, go to 'station filter'  select Reinforced Bulkhead' from the list,  and click/tap on the bractus c12 selection on the list (it should turn grey).

Lastly,  click on the "station inventory" button,  this will give a list of what you need and where you need it, my advice is to work around station access,  do M7 and F6 ores when no other station is available. 
There are a lot of parts and ores,  make sure you look down the list and pay attention to what station header the items are under (Bractus M14 is at the top of the list,  stations are in alphabetical order,  not in the order you should necessarily stock them)
Have fun building and pay attention to what is required in M7,  all first tier parts go to other stations to build second and third tier parts,  pay attention to where these parts are going, (tsreknor has a useful spreadsheet somewhere).
Good luck,  and don't haul second and third tier parts without help.
Attachment: Screenshot_20170112-201839.rsz.jpg - Iliminate bractus RB builds (124k)
Attachment: Screenshot_20170112-201839-1.rsz.jpg - Select Trident type M build qty 1 (124k)
Attachment: Screenshot_20170112-201531.rsz.jpg - Selecting individual part construction and qty needed. This example: 8 EHA (125k)
- By tsreknor (Commander / Trident Captain) Date 2017-01-12 18:29
My spreadsheet is at

-- tsreknor
- By MarianPL (Trident/Goliath Captain) Date 2017-01-15 08:30
Thanks guys:red:
- By Otanis Oshos (Trident Captain, Council member) Date 2017-01-17 11:13 Edited 2017-01-17 11:51
32 Engine mounts
16 Radiation Containment Kits

Both are missing in /manu when building for each DBHA, needed in Bractus M-14. They can be bought at Latos N-2. Advising to always check with tsreknor spreadsheet before building, but I didn't saw other problems up to now.

- By Furious Phenix Date 2017-01-19 13:25
Yes,  good to note these things,  we can get someone who knows how to edit the plugin
- By danstr Date 2017-03-28 13:22
DISCLAIMER: Do not use this on android with DroidButtons! It can cause UI freeze ups. Use it via /Manu but only when in a menu (I.e. docked)
- By dimmyr Date 2017-08-10 05:40
I can update the manu plugin if needed. Can someone generate a list of items that need to be added to it, and/or new features needed?
- By Otanis Oshos (Trident Captain, Council member) Date 2017-08-10 07:34
Oh that would be great to add the Goliath Build in manu.


- By danstr Date 2017-08-10 10:54
I have an edited copy of Manu with the Goliath included. I'll upload it later :)
- By dimmyr Date 2017-08-10 17:51
Glad you replied, @danstr! I would have wasted time re-inventing the wheel!  :red:
- By danstr Date 2017-08-10 20:11
NP :)
- By dimmyr Date 2017-08-11 01:28
Here is the main.lua file containing the Goliath update.
- By Barktooth (Councilor) Date 2017-08-11 23:07
Thanks for this!
Up Topic Public Area / Plugins / How to use /Manu in dent building

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