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Up Topic Public Area / Plugins / Cargo List
- By Michael Date 2016-03-22 07:34 Edited 2016-03-22 07:52
Cargolist Help


Settings (/cargolist options):
Options Tab
•  謬arget Policy - Defines how CL will target drops once scanned. There are 3 defined right now: Pre-scan, Initial Scan Set Item, and One Shot. Pre-scan will retarget whatever your original target was before scanning. Initial Scan Set Item will automatically target the first item in a scanned set dependent on CL's current Sort Policy. (i.e. sorted by Name or by Distance)  One Shot will scan all drops in range until it finds one in the current scan set, adding that drop to its item list and stopping.  Repeating this method enough will recreate the same list as if performing a complete sector scan using another target policy.
•  柊ctive Set - This is the currently active scan set CL will compare drops against while scanning. This is always the active set for all scanning purposes until changed.
•  百ort Policy - The main scan screen has always been able to sort by Name or by Distance. This just makes it official without having to bring up the scan screen first.

Scan Set Tab
This tab allows for the maintenance of scan sets, defined groups of cargo drops to be searched for and included in the final list during any scan.
Scan Sets represent a subset of all the cargo drops present within visible radar range of the player's ship.  Setting an active scan set means Cargolist will scan and include any drop item which contains a substring matching a line in the active set.

To create a new Set:
1.  Open the Options screen
Open the Scan Set tab
Enter a new Scan Set name and click "Create New" to create a blank set. The active sets drop down in the options screen is automatically updated with the new list.
2.  Type in each cargo item you want CL to scan for or select a recently picked up cargo from the Pickups dropdown and click “Add”
3.  Remove any items from the list by clicking on it and clicking "Remove"
Remove all items in the list with "Remove All"
If you really really don't like a set, you can click "Remove Set" to remove it from the selection list. All dependent drop downs are automatically updated.
4.  Once you're done, you can click "Save" to save all your work, or click "Cancel" and none of your changes will be saved.

Item Display / Scan (/cargolist):
This display is used for viewing the results of any cargo scan and for selecting a new active scan set as well as performing scans directly through the display.

Commands (/cargolist help):
�/cargolist - Brings up the main scan screen. You can select the active scan set from here before clicking the Refresh button to scan all cargo drops in radar range.
�/cargolist options - Brings up the options screen. Here you can select the active scan set, as well as target and sort policies, and define or edit scan sets.
�/cargolist scan [setName] - Performs a background scan against the current active scan set, sorting the data and targeting items based on the current targeting policy without bringing up the scan screen. If the scan screen is opened after a background scan is made, the targeted item is highlighted in the scan screen.
�/DropScan – Runs a background scan against the current active set.
�/NextDropItem - Loops forward through scanned items whether in the main scan screen or if the list were generated in a background scan.
�/PreviousDropItem - Loops backwards through scanned items in the same way as /NextDropItem.
Up Topic Public Area / Plugins / Cargo List

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