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Up Topic Public Area / Public Board / Guardians of Galactica message for ECKA ESTENK
- By Admiral Adama Date 2015-08-07 06:23

This is Admiral Adama, leader of the newly founded Guardians of Galactica guild in VO. War of worlds tripod mentioned that i may be able to get hold of you on here and passed on your name, I hope you do not mind. I am writing this letter to you to introduce ourselves officially and to see if our guilds can possibly work together in the future, our guilds purpose is fairly complex to setup but the basis is simple, We are a multinational guild (this may be off putting at first thought but you will see why) and we want to be a support/hire service for other guilds and members. I do not mean in pvp combat or helping pirates in that sense but what we do mean is for example:

our serco members help with escorts and hive missions etc (no pvp combat)

our Uit help with the mining/trading /transport

our itani helps with scouting, also transport and escort so to speak.

These service are for hire, so if a guild or guild member needs extra "firepower" for that hive that is just a bit to hard...then we can help and hire out our serco!
If a guild or guild member needs a hand mining or escorting then our uit members can be hired to help!
same for our Itani members scouting,transport,escort etc.

we aim to stand neutral in all feuds between guilds when on a job and when out of a job, after all we need to get customers instead of pissing them off, although we have allowed self defence of our members ,there is a explicit rule stating members cannot fire unless fired upon. But this is where the issue lies.

Because we are not known enough, and guilds don't really have an idea of what we are trying to do, where getting shot at and temperatures are rising in the chat and its all getting a bit blown up, even when our members are not retaliating in chat , this obviously makes what we are trying to do, impossible. How can we have customers that will just blow us up because the rest of the guild members don't know what the agreement is between the two guilds?

So as you are a well known and respected guild, I am wanting to ask you personally if it is possible our guilds can come to an NAP, where our guilds and there members will not whatsoever fire upon,kill,threaten, harm or conspire against each other. This would be a great stepping stone for our guild and we would be extremely grateful if you gave us this chance to be able to show what we are about and how we work. You are welcome to take a look at our welcome pack which we devised and has a lot of information in there.

I would be most grateful if you could let me know .

Thanks for taking the time to read this and we hope to hear from you.

Admiral Adama
Guardians of Galactica
- By tsreknor (Commander / Trident Captain) Date 2015-08-07 16:45
Hello, Admiral Adama. I'm sure our Commander, Ecka Estenk, will post a greeting here also.

TGFT welcomes all new VO guilds that don't shoot at us, and we seek peaceful relations with the entire VO player base. Accordingly, by implication, we already have a NAP with GoG.

I have a question, though. One of your members, death456, actively collaborates with the pirate guild SKV to attempt to bar TGFT access from conquerable stations. He also broadcasts on 100 whenever we are attempting to secure access to a station. Although death456 is not very effective at this attempted hindrance, we nevertheless do not appreciate it. We wonder how you square this behavior with your profession of guild neutrality.

Apart from this matter, I personally see no reason why friendly relations should not prevail between GoG and TGFT.

-- tsreknor
Council and Lieutenant
The Guild of Free Traders
- By Ecka Estenk (Councilor / Trident Captain) Date 2015-08-09 18:38
Indeed, I hope your guild goes well. I am sure we can resolve any local difficulties diplomatically.
- By Cron-Wo Bashios Date 2015-08-26 20:23
Cool beans,you guys sound a lot like EMS so your guild will be useful for me.   :D
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