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Up Topic Public Area / Off-Topic / Can someone make a plugin that plays a music when in battle?
- - By xXChrisTylerXx Date 2014-08-26 14:49
Can someone do that? I mean, when you fire at someone or someone fired at you, the music will be played? That would be cool though.
Parent - By Azurea Date 2014-08-26 15:40
This is technically possible.

Problem is trying to define what events get triggered when you engage and disengage. You could begin music with a battle hail, cue music, then end music with a death. Though a lot of possibilities exist for defining engagement/disengagement, unless you want something very specific, it's hard to apply a broad case scenario.

If you look on CrazySpence made a parsec music plugin, you could use that as a code base for trying to override VO's native music. Others have made similar things, but I can't be bothered to search for it right now :P
Up Topic Public Area / Off-Topic / Can someone make a plugin that plays a music when in battle?

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