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Up Topic Public Area / Plugins / Keys and Station Conquest
- By Fluffy Date 2014-08-10 12:27
I'm not often the person that takes control of a station.  However the last couple of times, I have not been given the option upon being granted control to select an existing key or create a new one.  Yesterday, I went directly to the station menus rather than the pop up window that asks you to assign a key.  When I searched for the key, I found that there was a new key created that I had to re-issue permissions for.

Is this a function of the Keys plugin?
- By tsreknor (Commander / Trident Captain) Date 2014-08-10 15:06
That sounds like a new game feature.

-- tsreknor
- By Fluffy Date 2014-08-10 17:09
I posted on the bugs forum and it was suggested that this might be due to a plugin that works with keys.  I didn't think our Key's plugin did this, but I'm not knowledgeable about all of it's capabilities.
- By Lisa201 (Trident Captain) Date 2014-08-11 15:07
The keys plugin does nothing in any of the menus, so that must have been a VO thing.
But when you are the one to take a station, then only the owner keys you have are listed in the menu of keys you can assign.  So if you didn't have any owner keys, then it might have just created a new key for you.
The bug in keys/VO is that they do not create a user key for the new key created.  So only the person that took the station will have one key, and that is a owner key.  By default, if you have a owner key you don't need a user key. 
First you MUST issue a user key to someone, even yourself using the VO key menu and typing in a name.  That will create the FIRST user key.  Once one is created, you can do "/keys -saved" to issue keys to our whole list.
Failure to issue one user key will result in LOTS of user keys for the same owner key after doing the "/keys -saved" command.
Up Topic Public Area / Plugins / Keys and Station Conquest

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