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Up Topic Public Area / Plugins / Anti-Spam plugin request
- By Muskrat Date 2014-06-03 17:40
When doing prospecting missions, VO will spam my screen telling me that I have already scanned a roid.

Is there a way to prevent that?

I realize that the spam comes from VO and not some plugin (I think) so could something be written to prevent that type of messaging?

Perhaps something that could be toggled on/off that can be used when prospecting?

Unless of course if there is a setting for it, in which case, does anyone know what setting that would be?
- By tsreknor (Commander / Trident Captain) Date 2014-06-03 18:41
Use the Unroid command ("|") in Targetless, and you will never scan a previously scanned roid again.

-- tsreknor
- By Muskrat Date 2014-06-03 19:00
yes,  I use the unroid command but my screen fills with the same message over and over. It only happens until the prospecting missions is complete.
- By Lunchfoot (Trident Captain) Date 2014-06-04 02:49
yes i get this too!  i hate it and it causes lag, and so i don't do prospecting missions much.  i hate it so much , i wish there was a fix.
- By Lisa201 (Trident Captain) Date 2014-06-04 03:18
If you are talking about the VO message that says things like "You have already scanned this roid" etc., then it's built into the VO system.
- By Lunchfoot (Trident Captain) Date 2014-06-04 16:37
yeah i think you are right.  too bad its so screwed up.
- By Lisa201 (Trident Captain) Date 2014-06-04 21:50
There's not actually anything wrong, it's just that we are using scanner plugins to sample roids faster then humanly possible... So the message cache gets filled up.  I doubt you can see this error if you don't use a roid scanner....
- By Muskrat Date 2014-06-04 22:06
so targetless is causing this?
I thought it only made a record of the roid since one must manually scan the asteroid (unroid)
to best of my knowledge I don't have/use any autoscan feature, actually I know of one ;)  but I  don't use it. I always scan manually.
Up Topic Public Area / Plugins / Anti-Spam plugin request

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