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Up Topic Public Area / Off-Topic / Gravity Space Flight Practice
- - By Denerius Date 2013-09-07 22:42
Parent - - By Lisa201 (Trident Captain) Date 2013-09-07 23:36
cool!  you got your commercial license!  We need a pilot to fly us to Montana from time to time!
Parent - - By Denerius Date 2013-09-07 23:37
Haha not commercial, just private.  I'm a danger to the sky.  :twisted:
Parent - - By Ason Date 2013-09-07 23:52
what kind of weapons you sporting on that thing?  Ravens?
Parent - - By Denerius Date 2013-09-08 00:27
Flies like a moth, so no weapons.
Parent - By Ecka Estenk (Councilor / Trident Captain) Date 2013-09-08 17:05
Looks fun, Grats on the license.
Parent - - By lluvia acida Date 2013-09-09 05:38
Parent - - By Wild Gramps Date 2013-09-09 16:20
From an old man, who first started flying airplanes in the 1960's and was an Instructor Pilot in the Military, congratulations on joining the very elite of the elite----a certified Pilot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It looks so easy to fly an airplane but it is not.  Many people try to learn how to fly one and fail!!  Any idiot can aim an airplane down a runway and take off into the air----BUT----getting back down again is the hardest part of all.  Because of depth perception problems the tendency of trying to land an airplane for the very first time is to try and land while still 200 feet off the ground!!  Thank God for Instructor Pilots sitting next to you for not allowing you to crash during your very first landings!!!!

Also, so everyone understands why I say the elite of the elite, consider this::  First, before you can even get in the plane and start flying you have to complete an extremely hard Ground School.  Then you have to pass the FAA Ground School Test!!  That stops many dead in their tracks right there!!  The FAA Tests are the hardest tests you have ever even thought about taking.  Should be so simple, it is multiple choice after all????  Only problem is that most people taking a test solve a problem, look to see if the answer is there and if it is one of the choices they choose it and never think twice about it!!!  Guess what the FAA did, all five choices have answers that could possibly be correct, especially if you made a common error in your calculations or reading of the question BUT only one choice is the correct answer and yes there is a time limit on the test.  To pass the very first time taking the test you must work quickly, accurately, and do every calculation at least three times before marking down an answer and rereading every question three times if there are no calculations!!  Second, you have to be very coordinated or you will fail at flying an airplane.  You have to be able to move you hands on a steering wheel type thing to turn, while pushing pedals with your feet to keep the plane from slipping while moving the steering wheel back and forth to maintain attitude while watching the Instrument Panel to roll out straight exactly on course +/- One Degree of error while at the same time constantly moving your eyes to look not only at the Instrument Panel but constantly looking outside the airplane to make sure there are no other airplanes or obstacles that you might run into!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Talk about sweating the first few times you fly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally, Denerius, you IDIOT, given what I just said I pick up a Ice Chest full of ice and water and dump it on your head!!!!!!!!!!!!!  IF YOU WANT TO TAKE PICTURES OF YOURSELF DO IT ON THE GROUND NOT WHILE FLYING!!!!!!!!!!! 

But most of all, CONGRATULATIONS again Denerius for becoming the elite of the elite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Parent - By Denerius Date 2013-09-10 21:15
Lol, I didn't take the picture.  The best thing is I can take people with me now.  The air was also super smooth so I didn't even have to hold the controls.  It was all for show.
Parent - By allan38 Date 2013-09-10 04:12
Up Topic Public Area / Off-Topic / Gravity Space Flight Practice

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