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Up Topic Public Area / Off-Topic / Spreadsheet question
- - By Lisa201 (Trident Captain) Date 2013-05-01 20:16
I have a long formula that i'm trying to find a faster way to write.  Here's the long version, I'm wondering if I can use a function or something to do the same thing instead of this huge line...


I would think there would be some way to do something like:  for i = 2 to 26; total = total + Di*$Bi; done;

Sometimes I hate spreadsheets....
Parent - - By Bladerus Mortus (Councilor / Trident Captain) Date 2013-05-03 11:06 Edited 2013-05-03 11:09
the easier way is to divide and conquer...

Make a separate column with only the multiplication terms. then you can freely apply a simple SUM function to summarize the column. You can hide the extra calculation column, if you don't want it to be visible.

the more complicated way, write a visual basic macro, that uses the for next cycle and do that calculation in if you put the formula into a function you can even call the function from a cell.

I hope that helps :)

- - - Edit added text from here - - -

3rd option:

1st cell: a*b
2nd cell below: c*d+the cell above
drag and copy 2nd cell until the last relevant line. the final result will be in the last cell
Parent - By Lisa201 (Trident Captain) Date 2013-05-03 14:22
Good idea's!  This is for a table of stage setups, so I have up to 10 sections like this... But I think your second solution will work!  Thanks!
Up Topic Public Area / Off-Topic / Spreadsheet question

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