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- By Lisa201 (Trident Captain) Date 2013-02-05 03:46 Edited 2014-08-03 19:21
Here's my list as of the date on the attachment.

  I bind capitol D to /dump_cargo.  Pressing D will drop all my cargo.  I use this all the time to drop cargo to the trident etc., No need to slow down or change screens.
  Beep Beep-Adds a horn to your ship that other can hear (If they also have the plugin)
  Speed control for stacking missiles
  Manage your keychain.  use /keys help
  The replacement for the capship plugin.  I added the auto-launch to it.  Works off the mission, not recipes. Use /mfg options
  On this, with the new VO building stuff, I turn auto-launch off, and it will tell you what items you run out of when building.
  I bind capitol E to /evade so when someone is chasing the trident, it keeps jumping me around.
  I set my proximity alarm to 500m, and when a hostile comes in range, it auto-targets it.  But not if you have a current target. Great for botting or surprise attacks.
  Gives you /grouptarget and /guildtarget
  Lots of stuff in here.  ESC/TCS  Makefriends lets you decide who is marked as hostile on your radar...
- By Lisa201 (Trident Captain) Date 2013-10-18 14:32
updated today.
- By tsreknor (Commander / Trident Captain) Date 2013-10-18 16:07
I suggest adding targettools. This is the plug that notifies your current target to group or guild. Members ask me about it frequently.

-- tsreknor
- By Lisa201 (Trident Captain) Date 2013-10-18 20:51
I got TargetBinds in there... does the same thing... is there a big difference?
- By FatherGhonel Date 2013-06-23 12:52
This is an awesome list and just what I was looking for.... Thank you lisa.... will definitely use some of these since I am a newb extraordinaire.
- By Muskrat Date 2014-04-07 03:05
How do you set prox_target?
I get the following:

-- Prox_Target is Off - proximity (Y,Y,Y) warning @ 2000 m

do I need to enter 3 variables to set it?

I did try reading the lua file to see if I could figure it out... but nope. I can't figure out how to set it :cry:
- By tsreknor (Commander / Trident Captain) Date 2014-04-07 03:55
There's an in-game screen with check boxes. I think it's at the bottom of the sector list screen.

-- tsreknor
- By Lisa201 (Trident Captain) Date 2014-04-08 00:32
"Proxy_Target" with nothing after it should show you the commands.  I leave it on 100% of the time, so just do a /proxy_target on

Then in your sensor screen, set your distance to 500m, and uncheck "Only once"

It will auto-target an enemy (or bots) if you do not already have a target.  Nice for when they sneek up on you.
- By brandonf76 Date 2014-09-06 05:51
QUESTION, is there a description of what the plugins do that are in the tcs-plugins folder please, also another folder was with extract called turbohopper, is there a description of what that does and how to use also, sorry, im not that much of a noob, but I am a noob when it comes to plugins, I am still getting use to how to use some and which help me, so descriptions of the ones that you didnt already describe would be greatly appreciated.
- By tsreknor (Commander / Trident Captain) Date 2014-09-06 07:39
The important TCS modules are:

AlertMachine: Notifies you on your HUD whenever a player enters or leaves your sector, including health and standings. I find this very useful.
AutoNav: Sets your nav sector to wherever your target jumps if you're within 1000 m at the time of the jump. Mostly useful for hunters/pursuers.
ChainFire: a UI for setting chainfire binds. Not everyone uses chainfire. I do sometimes. The UI is not very intuitive, and you might want to ask someone to help you set it up.
MakeFriends: Allows you to configure whether targets appear as friend or enemy on your radar, and therefore whether you can target them with features like "nearest enemy." Absolutely vital for many combat situations, especially when there are multiple players/guilds/bots/conquerable defenses etc. involved.

We now have a bunch of turret and turbo tools, and I can't keep them all straight. I think turbohopper is the one that automatically jumps you when you reach a jump point or wormhole.

-- tsreknor
- By Lisa201 (Trident Captain) Date 2014-09-06 13:57
Plugins and their commands:

Ok, grabbed this data from the lua files.  The commands you can use on the chat line are found in the quotes of the RegisterUserCommand function.  So, for example, for dump_cargo, you can use /dump_cargo, /dmpcargo, /dump_cargo_dump, or /dump_key.  I'll clean this up a bit when I get time, but should help people find the commands for now.

GuildQuestions/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("groupall", GQ_Group);
GuildQuestions/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("buddyall", GQ_Buddy);
InfiniTurbo/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("infiniturbo", infiniturbo.infiniturbo)
InfiniTurbo/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("it", infiniturbo.infiniturbo)
InfiniTurbo/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("turbolock", infiniturbo.lock)
MAID-Mini/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand('maid', function()
MAID-Mini/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand('maid.toggle', function() return MAID:Toggle() end)
MAID-Mini/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand('maid.toggleExclusiveMode', function() return MAID:ToggleExclusiveMode() end)
MAID-Mini/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand('maid.toggleCombatMode', function() return MAID:ToggleCombatMode() end)
MAID-Mini/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand('maid.toggleTempNotify', function() return MAID:ToggleTempNotify() end)
MAID-Mini/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand('maid.toggleTempSafety', function() return MAID:ToggleTempSafety() end)
MAID-Mini/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand('maid.toggleSound', function() return MAID:ToggleSound() end)
MAID-Mini/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand('maid.toggleDebug', function() return MAID:ToggleDebug() end)
manu/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("manu", manu_cb)
manu/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("manu_load", manu_load_cb)
MetaAim/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand('metaaim', metaaim.cmd)
MetaAim/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand('metaaimtog', metaaim.toggle)
NavComp/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand ("navcomp", navcomp.Start)
NavComp/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand ("nc", navcomp.Start)
NavComp/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand ("evade", navcomp.ToggleEvasionMode)
ProfitTracker/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand('profit_switch', ProfitTracker.switch)
targetless/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("targetselect", function(data, args) targetless.Controller:settarget(args[1]) end) -- set binds using aliases for any target number
targetless/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("lsswitch",function() targetless.Controller:switch() end)
targetless/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("lsback",function() targetless.Controller:switchback() end)
targetless/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("lssort",function() targetless.Controller:sort() end)
targetless/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("nextLS",function() targetless.Controller:targetnext() end)
targetless/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("prevLS",function() targetless.Controller:targetprev() end)
targetless/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("pin",function() targetless.Controller:pinfunc() end)
targetless/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("cyclestatus",function() targetless.Controller:cyclestatus() end)
targetless/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("importconfigroids",function() targetless.ui.ore.importconfig() end)
targetless/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("selecttarget1",function() targetless.Controller:settarget(1) end)
targetless/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("selecttarget2",function() targetless.Controller:settarget(2) end)
targetless/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("selecttarget3",function() targetless.Controller:settarget(3) end)
targetless/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("selecttarget4",function() targetless.Controller:settarget(4) end)
targetless/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("selecttarget5",function() targetless.Controller:settarget(5) end)
targetless/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("selecttarget6",function() targetless.Controller:settarget(6) end)
targetless/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("selecttarget7",function() targetless.Controller:settarget(7) end)
targetless/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("selecttarget8",function() targetless.Controller:settarget(8) end)
targetless/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("selecttarget9",function() targetless.Controller:settarget(9) end)
targetless/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("selecttarget10",function() targetless.Controller:settarget(10) end)
targetless/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("targetless",function(data, args) targetless.usercmd(args) end)
TargetTools-master/ui.lua:RegisterUserCommand("TargetTools", TargetTools.ShowHelp)
TargetTools-master/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("GroupTarget", function() TargetTools.SendTarget("GROUP") end)
TargetTools-master/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("GuildTarget", function() TargetTools.SendTarget("GUILD") end)
TargetTools-master/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("GroupReady", function() TargetTools.ReadyAtDist("GROUP") end)
TargetTools-master/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("GuildReady", function() TargetTools.ReadyAtDist("GUILD") end)
TargetTools-master/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("GroupAttacked", function() TargetTools.AttackedBy("GROUP") end)
TargetTools-master/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("GuildAttacked", function() TargetTools.AttackedBy("GUILD") end)
TargetTools-master/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("TargetParent", TargetTools.TargetParent)
TargetTools-master/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("TargetNextTurret", TargetTools.TargetTurret)
TargetTools-master/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("TargetPrevTurret", function() TargetTools.TargetTurret(true) end)
TargetTools-master/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("TargetFront", TargetTools.TargetFront)
TargetTools-master/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("TargetRag", function() TargetTools.TargetShipType("ragnarok") end)
TargetTools-master/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("TargetShip", function(unused, data)
TargetTools-master/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("TargetPlayer", function(_, data)
TargetTools-master/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand("TargetCargo", function(_, data)
tcs-plugins/multi_aim/multi_aim.lua:RegisterUserCommand("multiaim", ma_cli)
tcs-plugins/cli.lua:RegisterUserCommand("tcs", tcs.cli)
tcs-plugins/vo_clock/vo_clock.lua:RegisterUserCommand("time", tcs.clock.printtime)
tcs-plugins/auto_nav/auto_nav.lua:RegisterUserCommand("autonav", stuff)
tcs-plugins/make_friends/make_friends.lua:RegisterUserCommand("mfLA_reset_player", la_cli, "player")
tcs-plugins/make_friends/make_friends.lua:RegisterUserCommand("mfLA_reset_npc", la_cli, "npc")
tcs-plugins/make_friends/make_friends.lua:RegisterUserCommand("mfLA_reset_all", la_cli, "all")
tcs-plugins/make_friends/make_friends.lua:RegisterUserCommand("mfLA_reset", la_cli)
tcs-plugins/make_friends/make_friends.lua~:RegisterUserCommand("mfLA_reset_player", la_cli, "player")
tcs-plugins/make_friends/make_friends.lua~:RegisterUserCommand("mfLA_reset_npc", la_cli, "npc")
tcs-plugins/make_friends/make_friends.lua~:RegisterUserCommand("mfLA_reset_all", la_cli, "all")
tcs-plugins/make_friends/make_friends.lua~:RegisterUserCommand("mfLA_reset", la_cli)
TurboHopper/main.lua:  RegisterUserCommand("turbohop",TH.turbo_hop) -- This will be a toggle
TurboHopper/main.lua:  RegisterUserCommand("turbosafe",TH.safe_dist) -- Fly out to 7km and shut turbo off.
Turrets/main.lua:    RegisterUserCommand ("tur", turretthing)
Turrets/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand ("tur", function() local a = {lastturret + 1}; turretthing(nil, a) end);
Turrets/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand ("tur+", function() local a = {lastturret + 1}; turretthing(nil, a) end);
Turrets/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand ("tur-", function() local a = {lastturret - 1}; turretthing(nil, a) end);
Turrets/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand ("tur1", function() local a = {1}; turretthing(nil, a) end);
Turrets/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand ("tur2", function() local a = {2}; turretthing(nil, a) end);
Turrets/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand ("tur3", function() local a = {3}; turretthing(nil, a) end);
Turrets/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand ("tur4", function() local a = {4}; turretthing(nil, a) end);
Turrets/main.lua:RegisterUserCommand ("defend", defend);
- By Fones Shekandis Date 2014-10-06 05:05
Lisa here is screen shot with the lua error I get with the plugins. Any help would be great. I have tryed to get into the tcs in the options screen and I can't see the top or the bottom of it either don't know if this has something to do with it also or not. BWT it was a fun first ride in your Dent today thanks for that, something new.
I hope I did this right.
Attachment: dump0001.rsz.jpg (115k)
- By Azurea Date 2014-10-06 05:19
lol vo-clock. You must have a very old tcs version. It was fixed in a version made by ARF, iirc.
- By Lisa201 (Trident Captain) Date 2014-10-06 12:26
iup.Append(tcs.GetRelative(StationCurrentLocationInfo, 1), tcs.clock.Stationmain)
Looks like that StationCurrentLocationInfo is not defined, so without digging deep into the plugin, did you turn off location info on your screen or something?
You can also just un-check the VO-clock in tcs setup.
- By Lisa201 (Trident Captain) Date 2014-10-06 12:28
My version is 1.4sub2.  That should be the version in my file also.... But an old version would make sense.
- By Atvar Black Date 2014-11-14 04:19
Having trouble with the tcs plugin, mainly the make friends part. I can't  get the factions to green (yes I checked the boxes. )  Also I can't get the edit player and  guild part to work. I don't get any selections or I can't figure out how to add someone. Using  1.4sub2
- By Lisa201 (Trident Captain) Date 2014-11-14 17:02
I have issues on the Android with Makefriends.  Sometimes it works, other times it doesn't. 

I have my settings checked as all green except NPC and UnAligned.

There seems to be a difference in the Android setup vs. the PC setup.  I started to debug it, but it started working as I was getting close to figuring it out.
- By Michael Date 2016-01-15 03:33
HUM and The elector found here
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