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Up Topic Public Area / Public Board / Espionage has asked me to post this to TGFT
- By shefa feladonen Date 2012-09-09 16:09
As (one of the few) Serco with a correctly working concupiscence chip, don't shoot me.... I'm only the messenger.

SkyCommand Relay Station #624: Pyronis L-6
Transmission Progress |||||||||||||||| 100%

=== Terms for Peace with the Red Eternal Dominion ===

It has been brought to my attention that the reasons for the conflict between the glorious Red Eternal Dominion military wing and the Guild of Free Traders have been obscured to the average member of TGFT. Your leaders have chosen to lie to you about why you have been cast in a Nationalistic light so I have no choice but to bring my terms to you, the members. Contrary to the propoganda of the ruling council of TGFT; RED is not, by any standards, a pirate organization. Those of you, and there are many, who have created UIT alts with no guild affiliation and drifted past members of RED including myself with no aggression whatsoever can attest to this. Our agenda is strictly nationalistic. This means we will only hold resources for the benefit of the Serco Dominion and to the absolute exclusion of the Itani Nation.

The primary reason for the declaration of war on TGFT was that your leaders have chosen to admit into your ranks a former and long time Itani nationalist 'Corona Oceana' now known as 'Azurea'. Myself and Star Buck (the then commander of ONE) explicitly told Lisa201 that if you admitted such an individual to your organization, you could no longer possibly be considered neutral by the Dominion. I was also very reasonable in my approach to alt seperation, stating that should the player of Azurea decide to make a new UIT character and play it in TGFT, we would have no business to oppose access to shared conquerable stations. I also was explicit that this would mean a declaration of war with TGFT to prevent Itani access to the conquerable stations. It is our mandate to prevent Itani players from recieving conquerable station access, just as it is [Itan]'s mandate to prevent Serco players from having access.

I bid you all, free traders, to defy the manipulation of your leaders and make up your own mind about the direction of your guild, and I am now offering you the chance to do so:

The Red Eternal Dominion is willing to offer you a number of options for peaceful resumption of trade at the conquerable stations. Either suits us just fine:

-= Option 1 =-
Any neutral traders of UIT faction or Serco players can recieve RED user keys and have access to the conquerable stations for trade purposes. Itani will not be permitted to have keys. If you have Itani members that wish to seek access to the conquerable station while the Serco Dominion is in possession, they will need to do so on Serco or UIT characters.

-= Option 2 =-
You may take possession of the conquerable stations and we will agree to recognize TGFT as the rightful owners of the stations. We will not attack the stations as long as there are no members of the guilds [Itan], [ACE] and any other Itani that participate in Capture the Cargo, Border skirmish or attack Serco convoys in Edras I-2 present on the keys. We will regularly inspect the keys for such individuals and you will be given written notice should any of these individuals appear on TGFT keys. If they do, hostilities will be resumed.

Acceptance of one of these options will mean that you will be declared neutral once more, provided you do not partake in nationalist activities in the future. Your UIT and Serco members will not be attacked provided they are not tacitly contrbuting to the Itani nation and you will be free to go about your business. I require a written treaty duly executed by the TGFT council according to your rules in order for acceptance of these terms.

Your communications will be monitored and your submissions will be considered by the most honorable Triumvirate of the Red Eternal Dominion.


[RED] Espionage
Co-Founder of the Red Eternal Dominion.
- By Keeper Date 2012-09-09 17:46 Edited 2012-09-10 21:46
:grin: very very funny :lol::lol::lol::razz:

- By tsreknor (Commander / Trident Captain) Date 2012-09-09 19:22
Tell TRS that TGFT will accept RED/FAMY's unconditional surrender immediately. They may present their instrument of surrender in the basement of our main office at Dau K-10. Meanwhile, we have better things to do than think about them.

-- tsreknor
Lieutenant and Council
The Guild of Free Traders
- By Ecka Estenk (Councilor / Trident Captain) Date 2012-09-09 20:47
So, tell me, why didn't espionage post it himself using his TGFT alt ?

If he wants us to practice alt separation towards him, he should apply the rule to Azurea.

While I'm at it, why is ONE, an honourable Serco nationalist guild acting as postboy for FAMY lite ? And do tell me, is FAMY lite still showing its ultra nationalist position by giving keys to FAMY, a greifer guild run by an itani?

One has to take care about unintended consequences.....
- By shefa feladonen Date 2012-09-09 22:24 Edited 2012-09-09 22:44
Yeh,  expected you to castigate me for posting this. Think irony.
Good point about alt seperation, but FAMY's currently led by an UIT.
- By Bladerus Mortus (Councilor / Trident Captain) Date 2012-09-09 22:30
He doesn't even practice alt separation with his [Itan] member alt, if any present. His whinning is so pitiful.
- By Patterner (Foo McQuux) Date 2012-09-09 22:32
Nobody believes you're practicing alt seperation, even if you actually do.
- By shefa feladonen Date 2012-09-09 22:37
Alts are a pain. but that's the game. If we didnt like it we would have left years ago.
- By Easy_Eddie Date 2012-09-09 23:43
First Sheffield, no one here has any desire to shoot you. What we desire is our rightful neutral status. I understand you have been relegated to message boy by Espionage, who obviously thinks he runs RED, FAMY, TGFT, and now the Big Red ONE. Apparently he does run FAMY, since they have keys to conquerable stations, and do Espionage's bidding while there. Though he is not the Commander of RED, evidently, he runs them. Even the Big Red ONE, since you happily do his bidding. However, Espionage does not run TGFT. He never has, and he never will. Of all the groups aforementioned, only TGFT does not bow to this tyrant, or take his orders, or spread his propaganda.

Now to the points that Espionage wanted you to post. "RED is not, by any standards a pirate organization." FAMY is a pirate organization, is it not? RED actively pays bounties to FAMY for TGFT kills by FAMY, so this is an affiliation with a pirate organization, is it not? In addition, RED supplies conquerable station keys to FAMY pilots. This is also an affiliation with a pirate guild. Certainly it would be considered an alliance. An alliance with pirates ain't exactly the honor I would be looking for, were I Serco.

"The primary reason for the declaration of war on TGFT was that your leaders have chosen to admit into your ranks a former and long time Itani nationalist 'Corona Oceana' now known as 'Azurea'."

You can tell Espionage that's not the primary reason for a declaration of war. The Primary reason is so he can shoot harmless traders. An act of cowardice he is very good at. Tell me, did Star Buck admit Espionage, this former FAMY pirate into ONE? No, he did not. TGFT brought an Itani character into our Guild. So what? We have many Itani characters in our Guild. No other Guild may dictate who we take as a member, nor whom we reject as a member. That is for us to decide.

So Mecha started a little ragtag mob of Ultra nationalists. Only now they do anything but Nationalism. Espionage's stock in trade is conflict. He ripped apart FAMY by extending them into wars with ITAN, PA, TGFT, all at the same time. Now he's working on you. He will embroil you into conflict after conflict at the drop of a hat, until your members are exhausted, and not having fun. Then he will have achieved his purpose. His name is, after all Espionage. What precisely do you think his purpose is? Our guild makes our own decisions, and we abide by those decisions. They might not always be right, but they are never wrong. Because we decide together. We decide that Espionage/FAMY light is not one who dictates to us.
- By Keeper Date 2012-09-10 00:23 Edited 2012-09-10 23:10
Very well said Eddie:grin:
- By Lisa201 (Trident Captain) Date 2012-09-10 15:06
Here here
- By tsreknor (Commander / Trident Captain) Date 2012-09-10 16:30
RED = FAMY= rats. And Espionage = TheRedSpy = rat.

The reason Espionage won't post here is that he doesn't want TGFT to have direct technical evidence that he is TRS. You see, TRS is already a member of this forum.

-- tsreknor
- By shefa feladonen Date 2012-09-10 21:16

>you have been relegated to
> message boy by Espionage, who obviously thinks he
> runs.... Big Red ONE.

This sums up my attitude:
- By Keeper Date 2012-09-10 23:11
- By shefa feladonen Date 2012-09-11 09:44
You can't wind me up. which is exactly what certain person/s want.
- By Surbius Date 2012-09-10 02:16 Edited 2012-09-10 02:22
Surbius nods in acknowledgement of [ONE]'s Commander and reads the message.

Surbius sends the following to SkyCommand Relay Station #624: Pyronis L-6 in reply;

Specialty Form WTF 508.455 - Informal Rejection Notice
Attention: Espionage/TheRedSpy/et al
From: Surbius Bondevo
Reason: Unnecessary Low Viscosity Verbal Expulsion
Response: "Spin a roid, ya miserable git."

For further assistance with Specialty Forms, send Specialty Assistance Request Form SOS 133.700 - Assistance Notice to Vogsphere signed in triplicate, sent in, sent back, queried, lost, found, subjected to public inquiry, lost again, and finally buried in soft peat for three months and recycled as firelighters.
- By galanoth Date 2014-01-15 17:57
Up Topic Public Area / Public Board / Espionage has asked me to post this to TGFT

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