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Up Topic Public Area / Public Board / SCAR Rule of Engagement # 7 explained
- By shefa feladonen Date 2008-06-15 12:24 Edited 2008-06-16 18:23
hello traders, sheff here. this is exactly what iv'e just posted to our forums:

SCAR Rule of Engagement # 7 explained

R7. We may declare an 'Inter-Guild Fur-ball' in agreement with another guild or guilds for a set time period, in one agreed sector only, no killing of noobs or non [itan] traders in moths. This event may include NAP guilds, with their prior consent, the purpose of all this being a fun pvp multiplayer event for all parties.

1. arrive at furball sector you've chosen, contact highest level players in tgft and pa that you can, tell them scar is starting RoE 7 in this sector. If you cannot contact them, carry-on. if they say 'no', carry-on.
2. announce 'scar roe 7 in xxx sector' on 100 and give it a start and end times, the start time being - say - 10 minutes time.
3. kill. enjoy.
4. the number of times pa and tgft will decline is gonna be rare, but if it does happen, start the furball, DO NOT shoot at the sucky (lol) non-playing guild/s. Wait 15 mins, then ask them again. ppl do like furballs, so this is highly unlikely.
5. dont kill noobs or non [itan] moths, unless it's someone's battlemoth lol.
6. 'but this is SCAR asking other ppl for permission to fight'. not at all. the furball happens anyway, just without them. regard it as an honorable serco warrior's way, or 'vo-ttiquette', to tell those tardy unimaginative traders that there's something going on far more exciting than gathering profit.
- By Fluffy Date 2008-06-15 13:34
Two points of serious disagreement that I have with you here Sheff.

1)  There is absolutely NOTHING more exciting than making a huge profit, especially in Sercoland.
2)  To hell with the time limits.  We'll fight until we can't afford new ships anymore.

That being said, I can't wait to rumble!
The Fluffball of Doom
- By Ecka Estenk (Councilor / Trident Captain) Date 2008-06-15 19:28
heh :-)
- By shefa feladonen Date 2008-06-16 18:16
i can say it here, because i doubt very much any scar will log in to see it.
scar is still 'serco cadre of armed brigands' and will never change.
i shall give up leading them by example soon, this means leaving scar, possibly serco, and possibly VO.
cheers everyone.
- By Miharu Date 2008-06-16 19:42

I think VO needs a Serco guild that can be held up as a shining example of why new players should start out playing Serco and not switch -- but that can't happen if you leave VO entirely. Grab the pilots from SCAR who agree with your methods and thinking and form a new guild.

If you want help, simply ask -- most of us would be more than willing to help you out.

- By Fluffy Date 2008-06-16 19:53
Well, I for one would hate to see most of that happen.  I enjoyed your party in b8 last night, at least until I realized I was lagging everyone. 

What I didn't like seeing (just my personal opinion and not that of TGFT) was that it seemed to be SCAR vs VO rather than a guild war.  Even SYN was against you at one point iirc.  Now, I understand that there was an issue people may have felt a need to vent about, which I am fine with.  However, should that continue to be the case in future ROE7's, I will seriously be tempted to abstain from participating, or create/use a Serco alt to join in with SCAR. 

Like I said, this is only my position, not that of TGFT.  I appreciate SCAR for bringing the ROE7 into the game. 
- By NP Date 2008-06-17 05:19
Well, I'm gonna raise my voice of support for you aswell, dont leave VO, there are plenty of other opportunities out there, and like Miharu said, chose those pilots who agree with you and form a new serco guild, one who will attract new players to the serco faction and stand out as a shining example of how it should be done.
- By shefa feladonen Date 2008-06-18 09:28 Edited 2008-06-18 09:54
aw, thxs peeps
time to ressurect "trolley", uit, i think
i've tried emailing ray, is it or something else? i emailed him before but forget the correct one.

fluffy: roe 7: just the sort of thing naut likes, which is why roe 7 was invented : you dont get to choose who you fight, you can't stop other ppl joing in exactly : the 'perpetrating' guild can ask for another guild to be on their side tho : note key elements of roe 7, which are: no attacking noobs or moths, exclusively in one sector so no ganking at stations, timed to allow 'normal' pvp to resume if in b8.
- By Miexon Date 2008-06-20 08:27
Definitely the game needs a good stable serco guild and unfortunately the new scar has been anything but. As long as there are two separate group in scar it will never work out properly. I hope that sheff you make a new strong serco guild, i believe you guys can do it. Just weed out the bad and take the good with you and start a new slate. Your a good person and a good leader and I hope for the best. If you need help forming it im sure any PA would help.

- By shefa feladonen Date 2008-06-26 00:01 Edited 2008-06-26 00:07
i tried to make it lawfull good, as opposed to chaotic dork, miex, in the end it was like battering your head against a brick wall. i also made a personal promise to naut that i shouldnt have, hence scar's continued existence now, sorry guys.

well, history has made itself, and hopefully serco can now start moving away from the dorkside. , as if you didnt know :)

i shall be the figurehead leader of [ 1 ] to encourage the best of scar to come over (there are some....) for the next few weeks, then hand over to keria or vehement.

Vehement is our diplomat with you, i'll remind him to ask you if you want a [ 1 ] board.

oh, those roe 7 rules, i'll further refine them and post them on VO forum as general furball rules for everbody, cheers.


- By Mor Isil Date 2008-06-26 01:12
- By shefa feladonen Date 2008-12-19 22:05
well, i'm still "figurehead leader of [ONE]". lol, you can't get rid of me :P
i feel like emporer augustus.
i look forward to our slightly modified treaty and to events with all of tgft in the future, and i'm sure our members feel the same.
happy xmas to all past and present members of TGFT!
- By John Eldritch Date 2008-12-19 22:34
Happy Xmas, *Emperor sheff!

Yours Helpfully (as always),

Ael... err.. John Eldritch

P.S. Wait until March, Caeser!
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