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Up Topic Public Area / Off-Topic / rant about macbook pro
- - By Pliny the Elder Date 2007-08-23 03:52
so i got a macbook pro a few months ago, maybe 2 months.  It's a cool computer and all, but the superdrive isn't working properly.  For one, it refuses to burn anything, CD's, DVD's, whatever i want it to burn, always gets an error.  Just tonight, I put a cd in to copy into itunes, and it copies in just fine, but when i try to eject the cd, oh, it doesn't work.  Turns out the space where you put the cd in has partially closed over, making it nearly impossible to eject cd's.  I managed to get lucky on this one and held the opening open wide enough with some nail clippers, but I fear that it will just bend in even more.  I read about the problem on apple's support forums, and it seem at least a few other people are also having this problem.  Turns out apple told these people that it was their problem, apple won't pay for it even under applecare, and that they should be more careful in the future.  That's not the kind of company I want to buy things from.  I haven't called applecare yet, so we'll see how they treat me, but if I get shafted on customer service, I dont think i'll be buying again from apple anytime soon.

thanks for listening, have a nice day.
Parent - By Surbius Date 2007-08-23 05:09
Yeah, those sour apples do have the worst of problems.

/me pats his PC.
Parent - By Zathras (Architect of The Great Machine) Date 2007-08-23 06:16
Speaking from experience on the other end, I'd like to offer the following advice for when you do call them:
- Be humble, do not DEMAND IT GETS FIXED NOW
- DO NOT mention the nail clippers or any prying
- Ask questions rather than using statements.  ("Am I entitled to get it fixed under warranty?" rather than "I'm entitled to get it fixed under warranty!")
- Never, under any circumstance, raise your voice.
- Remember that the support-agent on the other end is actually on YOUR side.  He'll likely twist and turn stuff in YOUR favor if you don't come off as his enemy.
- Seriously consider email rather than phone:  They can't brush you off harshly in writing, it's VERY bad for business.

Good luck with it!
Up Topic Public Area / Off-Topic / rant about macbook pro

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